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Writer's pictureKevin Abergel

10 Reasons Printers Should Not Lower Prices for Digital Print Embellishments

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

The printing industry has come a long way from its traditional roots. With technological advancements like digital printing and embellishments such as foils, varnishes, and tactile

finishes, print materials can now offer a range of aesthetics and sensory experiences that make them far more engaging than ever before.

However, there's an underlying question that remains for printers: should they lower the prices for such digital print embellishments? Many might argue that doing so could make their services more accessible and competitive. But, here are 10 compelling reasons why printers should resist the urge to cut prices for these value-added features:

1. Perceived Value

When you charge a premium for digital print embellishments, customers are inclined to view these services as specialty offerings that add tangible value to the finished product. Cheapening these can negatively affect your brand's overall image. Furthermore, high-value clients often associate price with quality; you don't want to undermine this association by lowering prices indiscriminately.

Psychological Pricing

People often use price as a heuristic for quality. Academic research in marketing and consumer behavior consistently shows that consumers are willing to pay more for products that they perceive to be of higher quality. For this reason, premium pricing strategies can attract a customer base that is more aligned with the quality and care you put into your digital print embellishments.

2. Margins and Profitability

Maintaining a healthy profit margin is not just good for your bottom line; it's essential for your business's survival. When you compromise on pricing, you're essentially giving away the expertise, labor, and materials that go into making your embellishments standout features.

Market Fluctuations

A healthy margin allows you to absorb fluctuations in operational costs, whether that's a rise in paper costs or the need for sudden equipment repairs or upgrades. In volatile economic times, a reasonable margin acts as a buffer, allowing you to maintain steady operations.

3. Quality Assurance

Lowering prices can lead to high volumes of work with less time for quality control. Your team may feel the pressure to speed up production times to meet demand, which can result in lower quality outputs.

Lean Versus Agile

The Lean production model focuses on reducing waste but is effective only when the reduction doesn’t compromise quality. An Agile approach, on the other hand, prioritizes adaptability and customer-focused production. When prices are lowered to a point where Lean principles push quality to the brink, shifting to an Agile approach may become difficult because of reduced margins.

4. R&D Investment

New technologies, materials, and techniques continually emerge in the printing industry. Failing to keep up with these trends can leave your business obsolete. The profits from higher-margin services like digital embellishments can be reinvested into R&D, allowing you to offer newer and better services down the line.

The Innovation Curve

Being an early adopter of new technology can give you a competitive edge, allowing you to offer unique services that few other competitors can match. This is known as staying ahead of the "innovation curve," which is crucial for long-term success.

5. Customer Expectations

Your pricing strategy sends a message about what customers can expect from your business. Low prices may attract bargain hunters who are not interested in long-term relationships, whereas higher prices often attract those who are looking for a premium product and are more likely to become repeat customers.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

By attracting clients who value quality and are willing to pay for it, you increase your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), which is a crucial metric for any business’s long-term viability.

6. Competitive Differentiation

In a crowded market, what sets you apart? If your unique selling point is high-quality digital print embellishments, lowering your prices could make you indistinguishable from budget printers, making it challenging to stand out in a competitive landscape.

Brand Erosion

Competing solely on price is a slippery slope and can lead to brand erosion. Once you lower your prices, you may find it challenging to raise them again without alienating your customer base.

7. Operating Costs

A realistic pricing model accounts for all operating costs, including wages, rent, utilities, and equipment maintenance. A price cut can lead to operational challenges that could force you to compromise on these essential aspects.

Hidden Costs

Operating costs aren’t just the visible bills; there are also hidden costs, such as employee turnover, training new staff, and the wear and tear of equipment over time. A lower price can exacerbate these hidden costs, putting your business at risk.

8. Market Positioning

Your pricing reflects your market positioning. If you’ve built your brand around premium services and quality, then lowering your prices can confuse your target audience and muddle your brand’s message.

The Importance of Consistency

Brand consistency across all touchpoints, including pricing, is essential for building trust and customer loyalty.

9. Long-Term Business Relationships

Long-term client relationships are a cornerstone for any business. These relationships often start with the impression that the client gets from your pricing strategy, and lowering your prices can impact this dynamic.

Value-Based Relationships

In a value-based relationship, both parties see the relationship as beneficial. Maintaining a pricing strategy that reflects the value you offer makes it more likely that you'll attract clients interested in forming such relationships.

10. Financial Sustainability

A business's primary aim is financial sustainability. Lowering prices for digital embellishments could result in a short-term influx of business but might compromise the long-term health of your enterprise.

The Balance Sheet

Your balance sheet is a reflection of your business's health. While lowering prices might momentarily boost sales figures, it's essential to look at how it affects your overall assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity to gauge its long-term impact.

In summary, the decision to lower prices for digital print embellishments isn't just a short-term strategy; it's a move that has lasting implications for every aspect of a printing business. From the perception of value to the long-term customer relationships and even the financial stability of the enterprise, each reason discussed here paints a larger picture. Price adjustments might seem like a quick solution to attract more customers, but they can often lead to diluted brand value, compromised quality, and a reduced capability to innovate and grow.

Understanding the multifaceted impact of pricing is essential for any business, especially in specialized fields like digital printing where the value-add is often intangible but significant. Price integrity enables a business to invest in the right talent, technology, and processes that will ensure the delivery of exceptional products and services. In turn, this high level of quality can help attract a customer base that appreciates and is willing to pay for premium offerings, thereby increasing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and setting the stage for long-term success.

Therefore, before jumping to lower the prices of digital print embellishments, it's crucial for printers to conduct a comprehensive analysis that considers both the short-term and long-term consequences. By maintaining a pricing strategy that is aligned with the quality and expertise invested in each project, printers can ensure not just immediate profitability, but also the sustainable growth and long-term viability of their business.

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